Quiz Eight
Chapter Eight of America Unbound on "The Progressive Era" at ilrn.com

1: As she became involved in local politics, Hull House founder Jane Addams won an appointment as a:
A Senator.
B local school board member.
C garbage inspector.
D vice squad commissioner.

2: In their quest to reform the civil service system, most progressives supported the policy that government jobs be filled by:
A competitive exams.
B popular elections.
C direct appointments.
D caucus.

3: The first American president to support progressive reform decisively was:
A William Howard Taft.
B Woodrow Wilson.
C Theodore Roosevelt.
D Herbert Hoover.

4: Which of the following muckrakers wrote The Jungle, a novel about the meatpacking industry that led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act?
A Ida Tarbell
B Jacob Riis
C Lincoln Steffens
D Upton Sinclair

5: The National Civic Foundation was formed in 1900 in the hope of:
A bringing laborers and business owners together to work cooperatively.
B replacing capitalism with socialism.
C building park systems in city centers.
D eliminating political corruption.

6: John Dewey experimented with "child-centered education," believing that this approach would:
A make students more efficient workers.
B help students memorize important facts and dates.
C prepare students to be better democratic citizens.
D improve working conditions for teachers.

7: The Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1913, required the direct election of ___________, ending the practice whereby they were appointed by state legislatures.

8: The innovation of the __________ election permitted voters to choose which political candidates would run for public office.

9: Criticizing the Booker T. Washington's approach to race relations, ___________ founded the Niagara Movement and helped form the NAACP to advocate more strongly for racial equality.

10: Led by Carrie Chapman Catt, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the _______________ drew on Progressivism to argue that women should be able to vote.