Quiz 6 - "Labor Rebellions and Agrarian Revolts"
Chapter 6,
"Labor Rebellions and Agrarian Revolts" from
American Unbound at ilrn.com

1: The Populist leader Tom Watson argued that:
A black and white sharecroppers should come together in common cause.
B white workers should protect their jobs from the encroachments of racial minorities.
C the needs of factory workers were more critical than those of farmers.
D none of the above

2: Employers attempted to prevent the unionization of their workers by all of the following means except:
A firing or refusing to hire union members.
B employing more skilled workers who were less likely to unionize.
C infiltrating unions with spies.
D hiring workers from a wide variety of ethnic groups.

3: The Knights of Labor became a powerful mainstream labor union starting in 1879, under the leadership of:
A Terence Powderly.
B Alexander Berkman.
C Samuel Gompers.
D Allan Pinkerton.

4: What effect did the "Haymarket Affair" have on public opinion regarding the struggle of labor?
A It created sympathy for strikers and protesters.
B It created sympathy for strikebreakers.
C It instilled panic and fear in middle-class Americans.
D The public remained indifferent to labor issues.

5: In 1893, Eugene V. Debs founded the American Railway Union, an example of a union that:
A limited membership to skilled workers.
B tried to bring together all workers within a particular industry.
C tried to bring together all workers within a particular occupation.
D tried to bring together all workers within a particular region.

6: In the 1896 Presidential election, William Jennings Bryan championed a standard for currency based on:
A silver.
B gold.
C bimetallism (silver and gold).
D paper money.

7: The first effective national union in the United States, the ___________, accepted women, immigrants, African Americans, agricultural, and industrial workers alike as members.

8: ____________, the leader of the American Federation of Labor, focused the union's strategy on pragmatic concerns rather than political issues.

9: The ____________ started as a local fraternal association for farmers but grew into a national movement of agrarian workers by the 1870s.

10: The most radical union, the ____________, or "Wobblies," sought to overthrow capitalism itself through labor activism.