Chapter Four of America Unbound on "The Rise of American Big Business"

1: The principal innovator of mass production techniques was:
A Gail Borden in the production of condensed milk.
B Henry Ford in the automobile industry.
C Leland Stanford in the railroad industry.
D Alexander Graham Bell in the communications industry.

2: Who is credited with the creation of the world's first billion dollar corporation?
A James J. Hill
B John D. Rockefeller
C Andrew Carnegie
D J. P. Morgan

3: One advantage of the new retail chain stores was that they:
A could charge lower prices because they purchased goods in bulk volume.
B marked up the prices of goods for sale, thus increasing their profit margin.
C could offer more specialized services to customers.
D all of the above

4: One of the most scandalous examples of corruption in the Gilded Age involved the Union Pacific Railroad, which:
A set up the construction company that they then contracted to help build railroad lines.
B gave congressmen stock in the Credit Mobilier Company.
C bribed the vice president.
D all of the above

5: Which writer promoted the idea of "rags to riches" success?
A Thorstein Veblen
B Edith Wharton
C Mark Twain
D Horatio Alger

6: Which of the following is the main reason for the high death toll in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire?
A The workers had been locked into the building.
B The textiles were unusually flammable.
C The building was extremely tall.
D The fire company did not respond to the blaze.

7: The practice of __________ , pioneered by John D. Rockefeller in the oil industry, involved taking over companies within the same industry in order to control competition.

8: ___________, who made his fortune in the steel industry and pioneered vertical integration in business, wrote a famous essay called "Wealth" about the social responsibilities of the rich.

9: American business leaders found confirmation of their feelings of superiority in the idea of "survival of the fittest," as developed by the Englishman ___________.

10. The ____________ Act, passed in 1890, was designed to prohibit monopolies but in practice was used more often to prosecute labor unions than large corporations. HINT: TWO WORDS, FIRST STARTS WITH S, SECOND STARTS WITH A. HINT: ONE WORD, USE ALL LOWER CASE