QUIZ 1-Reconstruction
Chapter One, "Reconstruction" from America Unbound at ilrn.com

1: Compared to Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction, Andrew Johnson's was:
A equally, or even slightly more, lenient.
B far more lenient and permissive than Lincoln's.
C much more harsh and punishing than Lincoln's.
D vague; Johnson never presented a clear plan.

2: Which of the following argued that secession had amounted to "state suicide"?
A Southern Democrats
B Abraham Lincoln
C Andrew Johnson
D Radical Republicans

3: The Military Reconstruction Act (1867):
A gave plantation owners' land to freed slaves.
B prohibited racial segregation.
C guaranteed access to education for African Americans.
D none of the above

4: As a result of his conflict with Congress, Andrew Johnson was:
A impeached and convicted.
B impeached but not convicted.
C neither impeached nor convicted.
D convicted but not impeached.

5: The Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution guaranteed:
A the end of slavery in the United States.
B citizenship rights to anyone born in the United States.
C the right to vote regardless of race.
D the property rights owed to former slaves.

6: How did Grant respond to Southern efforts to interfere with black voting?
A He backed the Force Act, which passed in 1870.
B He simply looked the other way.
C He looked to the courts to settle the issue.
D none of the above

7: The "10 percent plan" was the proposed plan for Reconstruction created and supported by ____________.

8: After the war, Southern states created ___________, modeled on pre-war slave codes, that freed slaves had to follow.

9: The ___________ was created in March 1865 to provide former slaves with food, clothing, medical care, and schools.


10: After the War, the name __________ was used to refer to those Northerners who, according to Southerners, only moved to the South in order to enrich themselves.