Quiz 10
Chapter Ten of America Unbound on "World War I" at ILRN.COM

1: Theodore Roosevelt advocated that the United States should:
A take the aggressive position of a great world power.
B resist interfering in Latin American affairs.
C reform the international system to minimize conflicts.
D scale down its naval forces.

2: Which of the following was not a member of the Allied Powers?
A England
B Russia
C Turkey
D France

3: The "Zimmerman Note" was an intercepted communication from the German foreign minister promising:
A Germany's support if Mexico invaded the United States.
B consideration of all vessels engaged in cross-Atlantic shipping as fair targets.
C recognition of the United States' right, as a neutral country, to "freedom of the seas."
D acceptance of Wilson's offer to mediate peace talks.

4: The U.S. military role in World War I was:
A distinguished by its introduction of the tank.
B widespread and significant.
C essentially restricted to two major battles.
D none of the above

5: Which of the following was most reluctant to accept the concept of "peace without victory"?
A the United States
B the Allied Powers
C Germany
D Russia

6: Massachusetts Senator Henry Cabot Lodge believed, like many, that if the United States joined the League of Nations it would:
A only be drawn into more European conflicts.
B be able to help other nations protect their right to self-determination.
C take its rightful place as a superpower.
D be able to soften demands for war reparations from Germany.

7: The belief that the United States should avoid any and all "entanglements" with other nations, including alliances, is called ___________.

8: Germany's use of the U-boat against British and French ships increased tensions with the U. S. - especially after the sinking of the __________, an English passenger liner.

9: The federal ____________, which was passed in 1917 and broadened the following year, made "disloyal" speech punishable by fines and 25-year jail sentences.

10: On January 8, 1918, in a proclamation commonly known as the ___________, President Wilson outlined the principles that he felt should shape the postwar peace settlement.