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Book Review:

During the term you will write a book review on Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, .

A book review is obligated to provide the reader with a concise summary of the contents of the book and with an evaluation of these contents.

I. Summary of Contents
Here you should present the thesis of the book (stated or unstated), as well as a summary of the subject matter. Consider the arguments developed by the author and the conclusions. Remember that you are preparing a review of a particular book on a subject, not a summary of the subject.

II. Evaluation
Here you have an opportunity to present your thoughts on the book. Was the author successful in presenting and substantiating a thesis? Is that which was intended achieved? Is the book readable? A note of caution: do not criticize the author for not writing a book you wanted to read. Every author has the right to choose his or her own subject.

Book reviews must be flawlessly typewritten and should be no more than 1000 words in length.


Syllabus [01] [51]